I'm writing a pairing wizard for my application using your library and running in to some problems.
* VB.NET 2005
* Microsoft Bluetooth Stack
1) The list returns devices already paired with the stack and new ones in range.
- Is there a way to differentiate which devices were just detected and which are returned from the Bluetooth stack cache of currently paired devices? I can use the wclBluetoothDevices.InRange() function but that takes a significant amount of time to return when the device is not actually in range. This delay is much more noticeable when there are multiple devices already paired with the stack.
- I am using wclBluetoothDiscovery.Discovery() and obtaining the list from the DiscoveryCompleted event.
2) The max number of returned devices appears to be 8 regardless of new or already paired.
- Is there a limitation regarding this? I know there is a limitation regarding the number of active connections, but unaware of any regarding pairing.
3) Is there an event or anything else that I can hook into to get the devices as they are being detected instead of waiting until the discovery is completed?
4) Is there a way to set the discovery time? If not, what is the duration and what is it based on? I would like to send the user some feedback regarding the time left for discovery.