We would like to purchase the framework to develop a server application that receives data from a medical device.
The medical device searches for a specific, predefined service name and COD.
We managed to use the included server demo and set the service name successfully using BluetoothParams.Name.
We were unable though to find a way to set the class of device (COD) of the server.
The documentation and API has a lot of functionality regarding the remote device COD (the COD of the device connecting to the server).
We did not find a way to define the COD of the server though.
We found that the server COD is automatically set to 0x120104. We need to set it to 0x400210.
Any way how to accomplish this?
Also, could you advice which version of the COM component we would need to purchase? We would need to commercial license but are unsure if we need Lite, Personal or Developer.
One more question: During our tests with the unmodified BluetoothOPPServer demo, the application hangs after a few runs and need to be restarted. We are using VB6. Any reason for the hangs?
Thanks for any help,