I tried to create an wclOPPServer using a custom UUID and a channel number of 20, this works fine in Microsoft BT stack but when i try the same code on Bluesoleil it creates an SPP profile instead of an OBEX one and doesnt give me channel 20 but some other one it allocates.
I have written a J2ME app for a phone to search services, when i search for my custom service and its running Microsoft it returns "btgoep://....." (which is OBEX), but when i use Bluesoleil it returns "btspp://...." and this is not an OBEX service!
Any ideas why this is happening?
I tried this on both Bluesoleil 1.6 and the latest 6.4.314.0
here is the code for my wclOPPServer:
wclOPPServer.Transport = wcl.wclServerTransport.stBluetooth;
wclOPPServer.BluetoothParams.Radio = m_radio;
wclOPPServer.BluetoothParams.Name = "OBEXTest";
Guid gd = new Guid("{34db2a3e-f13a-8bc1-e341-2ab6e4fd11ae}");
wclOPPServer.BluetoothParams.Service = gd;
wclOPPServer.BluetoothParams.Channel = 20;
wclOPPServer.BluetoothParams.Authentication = false;
wclOPPServer.BluetoothParams.Encryption = false;