Author Topic: WCL wclBluetoothHandsFreeClient.OnAudioDisconnect on incomming call  (Read 22924 times)


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Since I have updated my .net project with WCL 6.14.9 to WCL 6.15.1; when I receive a call, I have an event OnAudioDisconnect when the comminication is established (bug), and another one at the end of call (Ok).
Can you fix the first OnAudioDisconnect please ?
I was based on this event to detect the end of call, is it the best practice ?

Thanks !


Offline Mike Petrichenko

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Thank you for the report. We will check it and fix as soon as possible.

Can you please send us an e-mail about this bug to so it creates a support ticket with the issue. Thank you.

Offline Mike Petrichenko

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I have just answered by e-mail. In few words, its better to use Stand By mode notification instead of Audio connection notifications.


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Thanks Mike !

I will try the StandBy notication tomorow.

I tried with an android phone, and there is no bug with the OnAudioDisconnect event !
It looks appears only on iPhone (iPhone 6 iOS 10)  ?!


Offline Mike Petrichenko

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No sure if you received my e-mails (it is something strange with our mail server past year or so) so I post it also here. The answer is:

I have tested the issue. It looks all works as expected except one thing: When you connect to HandsFreeProfile the cell by default connects to BlueSoleil AVRCP profile (that is running by default). That is why you have strange audio connection events. You should disable build-in AVRCP server. You can do it from your application (take a look on BluetoothDiscovery demo to find out how to disable.enabled build-in BlueSoleil services/servers).
Also, the best way to detect call cancelling is to use the moment when the cell switches from Calling to Stand By mode. Because Audio link can be simple dropped by user from cell as well (on Nokia Lumia you have just tap one icon during call to switch to phone from HandsFree).

I guss the problem with iPhone that it trys to use AVRCP.


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Hi Mike

I have stopped those servers :
  • wcl.wclUUIDs.AVRemoteControlTargetServiceClass_UUID
  • wcl.wclUUIDs.AVRemoteControlServiceClass_UUID

I still have issue on call with an iPhone, and not with android.
Another idea ?

Offline Mike Petrichenko

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Unfortunately I have no iPhone here right now and can't check it with iPhone. But probably that is something like iPhone trys to open/check audio link first and then closes it.

Try turn it ON (Connect Audio button) manualy.


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