So I put timers around the CwclGattClient::WriteCharacteristicValue(...) call and it takes about 78ms to 150ms to run that single line of code. And I am only sending 16 bytes per write notify. This seems incredibly slow as I'm only able to get transmission speeds of about 150 bytes per second. Is there really no other way to make this faster?
Here is a code snippet of how I'm measuring the time:
DWORD startTime = GetTickCount();
int Res = m_pGattClient->WriteCharacteristicValue(s_rxDataCharacteristic, (unsigned char*)msg, msg->msgLength, plNone);
if (Res != WCL_E_SUCCESS)
TRACE("Error: 0x%x\n", Res);
result = TRUE;
DWORD endTime = GetTickCount();
TRACE("Time: %dms\n", endTime - startTime);