Author Topic: Set COD for server  (Read 14002 times)


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Set COD for server
« on: January 20, 2010, 12:24:04 PM »
We would like to purchase the framework to develop a server application that receives data from a medical device.
The medical device searches for a specific, predefined service name and COD.
We managed to use the included server demo and set the service name successfully using BluetoothParams.Name.

We were unable though to find a way to set the class of device (COD) of the server.
The documentation and API has a lot of functionality regarding the remote device COD (the COD of the device connecting to the server).
We did not find a way to define the COD of the server though.
We found that the server COD is automatically set to 0x120104. We need to set it to 0x400210.

Any way how to accomplish this?

Also, could you advice which version of the COM component we would need to purchase? We would need to commercial license but are unsure if we need Lite, Personal or Developer.

One more question: During our tests with the unmodified BluetoothOPPServer demo, the application hangs after a few runs and need to be restarted. We are using VB6. Any reason for the hangs?

Thanks for any help,
« Last Edit: January 20, 2010, 12:28:33 PM by mkaz »

Offline Mike Petrichenko

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Re: Set COD for server
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2010, 12:49:01 PM »

At present WCL does not allow to change server COD because not all stacks support such feature. If you need such function it's not so hard to add it. But you should be noticied that it may not work on some stacks (I will not work on BlueSoleil, because there is no way to set service COD and will work on MS - easy to to setup).

So, if you definitly need such feature I'll add it in few hours and provide a test version for you.

Server part included only in Developer License.

About freezing. Could you please provide more information about BT stack you use?


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Re: Set COD for server
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2010, 01:21:47 PM »
Thanks for the fast reply.

Since it it quite easy to find out which stack (radio) is in use, we'd definitely would like to see the set the COD for stacks that support it.

We would than order the commercial Developer COM component.

We will also try to supply more info about the 'hangs'. Any specific steps we should take to get this info?


Offline Mike Petrichenko

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Re: Set COD for server
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2010, 01:24:02 PM »
Ok, I'll try to make it in few hours, but possible it will be ready tomorrow.

About info: just need to know what BT stack you use and it's version. If it is MS - just tell me OS version. If other than MS - you can find version in About dialog of Stack's UI tool

Offline Mike Petrichenko

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Re: Set COD for server
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2010, 08:45:39 PM »

we have took a look on the issue deeply. As you know COD is not only device descriptor but also includes infomation about services and other supported features. In common case you can not change all the COD but it's not so hard to add or remove information about supported services. If you can provide information about what service your device waits from COD it will help us to finish this feature faster.


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Re: Set COD for server
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2010, 10:03:35 PM »
The device is a medical sensor that usually communicates with a medical hub/repeater.
In order to speed up the search process, the sensor is programmed to search and pair only with the hub/repeater's COD.
This way the sensor finds the hub faster and is less influenced by other, nearby, bluetooth devices.

In our case we need the sensor to connect to our application that will be running on a PC.
Since it is extremely difficult to change the COD the sensor is searching for we need to 'look' to the sensor like the hub.
The hub's COD is 0x400210 and this is what the COD of our service, running on the PC should be.

Hope this answers your question.

Regarding the hangs: this still continues to happen. We are using a Trendnet dongle with BlueSoleil software Release 050831
Stack version:

Offline Mike Petrichenko

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Re: Set COD for server
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2010, 10:38:00 PM »
Unfortunatly it is ipossible to set COD exactly as you need because it under drivers control and can include lot of info. I will try to find work around but it will be "dirty" solution.

Regarding hangs: I will check it as well. Thanks for the info.


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