Author Topic: wclOPPServer GET operation question  (Read 15880 times)


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wclOPPServer GET operation question
« on: July 07, 2010, 04:32:49 PM »

I am trying to perform an OBEX GET from a mobile phone to the wclOPPServer i have created without success.
I have been able to perform an OBEX PUT from the phone but when i send a GET request the "onConnected" event fires ok but the "OnOBEXObjectReceived" never gets triggered.

There are no examples on performing a GET from a client and server so i have no idea if thats what is supposed to happen.

The bluetooth stack is microsoft and i am using the latest WCL.

Does an OBEX GET from a client still trigger the "OnOBEXObjectReceived" event for wclOPPServer?


Offline Mike Petrichenko

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Re: wclOPPServer GET operation question
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2010, 04:34:18 PM »

OPPServer (Object PUSH profile) does not support GET, only PUT. WCL does not include FTP server for now. Of course, we can develop it for you. Contact us online or on and we discuss that.


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Re: wclOPPServer GET operation question
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2010, 04:57:04 PM »

This is straight off the WikiPedia page:

Object Push Profile (OPP)
A basic profile for sending "objects" such as pictures, virtual business cards, or appointment details. It is called push because the transfers are always instigated by the sender (client), not the receiver (server).

OPP uses the APIs of OBEX profile and the OBEX operations which are used in OPP are connect, disconnect, put, get and abort. By using these API the OPP layer will reside over OBEX and hence follow the specifications of the Bluetooth stack.

And from my understanding just because it is a Push profile does not mean GET is not supported.

Is the GET something you can add to the OPPServer?

Offline Mike Petrichenko

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Re: wclOPPServer GET operation question
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2010, 05:11:13 PM »
I do not know what is written in WiKi but BT OPP Spec (official document) describes GET as optional. So there is no GET for now. Also BTOPP spec describes that GET returns ONLY default vCard object from the remote device. Not any object! Just vCard!

Yes I can add it to OPPServer or can implement FTPServer. Contact us online or on the e-mail listed below and we can discuss it.


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