Author Topic: receiving requests from multiple mobiles simultaneously and sending files  (Read 14546 times)


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 we are using wcl -demo .
we are receiving request as file-name from the mobile device ( using a j2me application) to the server-pc on serialport client.

then we are sending the requested file from pc to mobile using  bluetoothOPPClient demo of wcl.

we have done this sucessfully for one mobile.its working fine.

we want to support 2 or 3 mobiles on the same server pc.

how can we do this?

can we receive requests from 2 or more mobiles simultaneously and then send the requested files one after another.

we tried by running the same program twice and using different com-ports for each instance. but there were problems.

plz help

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Offline Mike Petrichenko

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You should use more than 1 component to do so. Each component will handle 1 connection.


  • Guest
cant we receive requests from different mobiles on the same serial -port?

n plz explain the use of " getSelectedRAdio" function in the bluetoothOPP demo

Offline Mike Petrichenko

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No, you can't.

GetSelectedRadio() checks the listview with detected API and creates the wclBluetoothRadio instace with specified API to use it then.


  • Guest
how to have multiple components. if we have the list of suppose 3 mobiles( bt addresses) can we start the 3 components simultaneously at the startup of project ?

plz help. we dont know abt the mutlithreading in

Offline Mike Petrichenko

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Yes, create 3 wclXXXClient component and connect them to different devices.

It does not require multithreading


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