Author Topic: TwclWifiManager without vcl, problems with events  (Read 16832 times)


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TwclWifiManager without vcl, problems with events
« on: April 09, 2015, 01:09:33 PM »

I tried to implement the TwclWifiManager without the usage of the vcl in an external unit:

constructor TRsWLan.Create;

  inherited Create(nil);

  wclAPI         := TwclAPI.Create(nil);
  wclWiFiManager := TwclWiFiManager.Create(nil);

  // ---> events
  wclWiFiManager.OnConnected    := OnApConnected;        // WclWiFiConnectionEvent
  wclWiFiManager.OnDisconnected := OnApDisConnected;   // WclWiFiConnectionEvent
  wclWiFiManager.OnOpened       := OnApOpened;             // TNotifyEvent
  // <--- events


My problem is, that only the "OnOpened" shows an reaction, not the important ones
"wclWiFiManager.OnConnected / wclWiFiManager.OnDisconnected". The only difference I could see is that the reacting one is type of "TNotifyEvent", the others "WclWiFiConnectionEvent".
In a windows based application everything works fine, but I have to write a driver for a console application...

Is there any possibility to get them working?

Best Regards

Offline Mike Petrichenko

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Re: TwclWifiManager without vcl, problems with events
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2015, 04:12:22 PM »

WCL requires Message Loop in your console app.

If you know C++ a bit you may take a look on BluetoothConsole demo from WCL C++ Edition.


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Re: TwclWifiManager without vcl, problems with events
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2015, 09:41:58 AM »
Hi Mike,

thanks a lot!
I got it working.

Best Regards


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