I tried to implement the TwclWifiManager without the usage of the vcl in an external unit:
constructor TRsWLan.Create;
inherited Create(nil);
wclAPI := TwclAPI.Create(nil);
wclWiFiManager := TwclWiFiManager.Create(nil);
// ---> events
wclWiFiManager.OnConnected := OnApConnected; // WclWiFiConnectionEvent
wclWiFiManager.OnDisconnected := OnApDisConnected; // WclWiFiConnectionEvent
wclWiFiManager.OnOpened := OnApOpened; // TNotifyEvent
// <--- events
My problem is, that only the "OnOpened" shows an reaction, not the important ones
"wclWiFiManager.OnConnected / wclWiFiManager.OnDisconnected". The only difference I could see is that the reacting one is type of "TNotifyEvent", the others "WclWiFiConnectionEvent".
In a windows based application everything works fine, but I have to write a driver for a console application...
Is there any possibility to get them working?
Best Regards