Author Topic: Check if all sent bluetooth data where received  (Read 14140 times)


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Check if all sent bluetooth data where received
« on: August 25, 2015, 04:16:19 PM »
I'm sending a big byte array (byte[100000]) using Bluetooth server and client. My server gets OnData event several times, with following parts of my sent byte array. How could I detect whether all the data parts has been received? Is there any built in mechanism? I need to deserialize this whole byte array (byte[1000000]). I wish I get only one OnData event, with all the data. Could you please suggest any solution?

Offline Mike Petrichenko

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Re: Check if all sent bluetooth data where received
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2015, 08:42:55 PM »

You have to create internal buffer for your data and fill it when OnData event fires. Than check if all data is received - process it. If not, continue t fill your buffer. Also I recomend to send data with small size by splitting your array for small parts.


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