Author Topic: Problem with Blackberry 8800  (Read 12632 times)


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Problem with Blackberry 8800
« on: January 26, 2010, 02:05:47 PM »

I have developed an application for sending files over bluetooth to proximity devices.

The problem is that if it finds a blackberry 8800, the other terminals not receive the sended request. Blackberry shows the pair request by pin, when the secure property is set to false.

How can I do all the terminals receive the send request?


Offline Mike Petrichenko

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Re: Problem with Blackberry 8800
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2010, 03:15:17 PM »

What is Bluetooth driver you use?

BlackBerry requires to turn BT option on manualy before if can receive something. Also, how do you send file? If you do it with wclOPPClient then by default it has Authentication turned off, so you should set an Authentication property to True. Also you have to use wclAuthenticator to provide default PIN on PC side. If you use wclProximitySender then you should use wclAuthenticator as well.

Regarding drivers, not all drivers can send to many devices at the same time so such drivers will process send operation one-by-one.


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Re: Problem with Blackberry 8800
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2010, 11:06:20 AM »

Thanks for the fast reply.

I use WCL_Developer_COM_6710 and a Microsoft bluetooth usb.

I send file with wclProximitySender, the code vb6 is:

Public wclAPI As wclAPIX
Public WithEvents wclAuthenticator As wclAuthenticatorX
Public WithEvents wclProximitySender As wclProximitySenderX
Public WithEvents wclBluetoothDiscovery As wclBluetoothDiscoveryX

Private Sub cmdEnviar_Click
   wclProximitySender.MaxConnections = 7
   wclProximitySender.SendDelay = 2
   wclProximitySender.SleepInterval = 5
   wclProximitySender.Timeout = 15
   wclProximitySender.DiscoveryTimeout = 20
   wclProximitySender.Secure = False

   If wclProximitySender.Active Then
   End If
   If wclAuthenticator.Active Then
   End If
   If wclAPI.ShowError(wclProximitySender.Start) Then
   End If
End Sub

Private Sub wclProximitySender_OnAcceptDevice(ByVal Device As wcl.wclBluetoothDeviceX, Accept As Boolean)
   Accept = True
End Sub

Private Sub wclProximitySender_OnGetFiles(ByVal Device As wcl.wclBluetoothDeviceX, ByVal Files As StdVCL.IStrings)
   Files.Add (stFicheroName)
End Sub

If Blackberry 8800 is off everything works fine and other 4 terminals receive the request at the same time.

Offline Mike Petrichenko

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Re: Problem with Blackberry 8800
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2010, 12:13:39 PM »

Try to use other BT dongle. Ihave faced such issue with one dongle here. It also happened with Siemens S65.

I will check it too.

Offline Mike Petrichenko

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Re: Problem with Blackberry 8800
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2010, 07:59:54 PM »

I have tested it with BB 8800 and BB 8120. I used LM-056, BlueTake BT007i and 2 no name dongles.

All works fine with any dongle except one no name dongle. I can guess it is dongle's issue.


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